Thursday, April 19, 2012

How to change template Images in Joomla

When you want to change the images of your Joomla site, but you don't know how to change it,
I will share my method to change it.

* generally the images of our template is located in this folder : <your Joomla home folder>/templates/<your template name>/images. (for example the name of the images if "logo.png"

* to know the name and the position of the images, you can use this way: just go to the site, then put the cursor over the images, right click on the images and click inspect element, in google chrome, the folder and images name will appear.
  or right click over the image and select "open image in new tab", the folder will appear on the address bar.
  or right click over the image and select "copy image URL" and then paste on notepad, word, everywhere can that can shows text.

* then prepare your image to replace the old one,
give it same name the first one, but firstly you have to change the name of the old image.
  or you can give it different name and then you can change the HTML code to change the image address
you have to navigate to Extensions -> Template Manager. Select the template you want to modify and click edit. Then click the icon for Edit HTML.
you can use find feature by ctrl+F and then search with the name of old image as keyword and then change the  address become the new image.

* just keep in mind that if the new image is a different size than the original image this may change the appearance of the site in unexpected ways.

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